Immutable Standard

The standard is love. love the Lord and love your neighbor. It is by our love that we will be known as his disciples. Love is patient love is kind.

Location: the great state of Texas, United States

Saturday, April 30, 2005

Concern for each other

I Corinthians 12:25
So that there would be no division in the body , but that the members would have the same concern for each other.

Some translations use care in the place of concern. In looking up the meaning of care, concern is used in the definition. I am not remotely a biblical scholar so I can not judge which word is more appropriate. I prefer concern in that the definition uses involvement and relation in define the word. We must be relational to each other. Time and conversation are essential in developing relationships. I confess that I fall short in this category. I do not spend enough time in conversation with my wife or children and friends. I try to meet weekly with on friend for breakfast and conversation. We meet at Fred's on Currie St. Fred's is a Fort Worth treasure. It is country working class hip arty just wonderful. We talk about the issues that we are facing and what we are studying at church. I call the Godfather's of my boys often and share my struggles and praises. One lives in California and the other lives here. When I get home to the one with whom I should share most I am already worn out and after getting everyone ready for bed I just want to sleep. I have not conversed with my wife in a while. I know that there is no condemnation for those in Christ but we still have to pay for our sins and we have sinned in how we have set up our life and spent money. We continue to pray and the Lord has blessed us in so many ways. But enough about me the goal of this post is to focus on the "each other" part. I try to remember others in my prayers when I do pray wich is hardly ever lately. My wife and I have been blessed greatly by our Crown financial study and we are going to attend a leaders training session so we can lead others through this study. In an earlier post I mentioned my mission statement and how I backed it up biblically. I am now revisiting these verses to see what it means for me and if I am really living up to what I want. So on the surface I have concern for others shown by teaching sunday school and meeting with my small group and bible studies but right now it is a little to shallow. My prayer is that I will live the word of the Lord and have a truly deeper concern for others.

Grace and Peace, Mark

Tuesday, April 26, 2005


I do not know where I got the quote but I use it often enough.

knowing is not enough.

Here is my addition or counter to the above

Not knowing is too much

At least for me it is right now. Not knowing what I need to be be doing to provide or will be doing to provide for my family. I do know that the next few week will be full of trepidition for me as I pray for guidance.

Be still and know that I am God

That is all I can do for now.

Grace and Peace, Mark

Monday, April 25, 2005


I have had so few smart decisions lately and my failures are mounting to a degree that is near suffocating. My thoughts are doubtful and I feel precarious.

I have been intimate with the father of lies
and to my surprise he was with out disguise
he told me what I wanted to hear
but it was not what I needed

His ways were pleasing to my eyes
Yet I knew them to be otherwise
foolishy I did not fear
Faithlessly I heeded

To the great deciever now say
I've opened my eyes and seen your way
I know it to be untrue
I have seen the light

My sins I confess and humbly I pray
I repent and from this day
I will continue
on the path thats right

I am a professional prodigal

Grace and Peace, Mark

Friday, April 22, 2005

not news

U2's new album is great

Friday, April 15, 2005

Beginning ideas on "adamsian education"

Showing the gap in my education I had often referred to Jefferson as the author of the quote " I must study politics and war that my sons may have the liberty to study mathematics and philosophy. My sons ought study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history and naval architecture, navigation, commerce and agriculture in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry and porcelain." I had given thought to being a teacher and I am currently an instructor of taekwondo and do teach Sunday school and am responsible for my own children's education as well. I agree with Adams on his above quote as well as with his idea that "children should be educated and instructed in the principles of freedom." I imagine we would be better off if they were taught that instead of selfesteem and how to put condoms on zuccinnis.

so here begins some disorganized musings on some sort of curriculum. And let it be understood that study of the Lord and bible are primary and all other thoughts will tie into glorifying the Lord.

Chess. strategy, planning, sacrifice (politics and war)
I feel that reading ecclessiastes will take care of the pilosophical part.
as far as math I think children should be involved in the family budgeting process
Origami can help with manual dexterity geometry as well as being artistic.
Children should be given hands on opportunitys to work in a variety of artistic mediums.
More thoughts on politics and war I believe in teaching the martial arts for self defense and confidence but also to know what it means to inflict violence. Aikido, though I am not a practiitioner I know a little about it and hope to get some time to train in it, gets to the heart of the matter in the least violent way. It is the best way to love a beligerant neighbor.

Grace and Peace, Mark

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

teaching the next generation

My great grand parents on my fathers side came here from Russia to escape from Stalins reign of terror. My grand father was a police officer. That is all I know about him. My dads dad was a left handed golfer and worked very hard all his life and told great stories of the depperession and his youth. My dad never missed a day of school. On my mothers side it is even less clear. Her father was involved in card parlors and one of her brothers was the kind of guy who took care of things for you in a not so friendly manner. At least this is the gist of what I remember. So barely 3 generations on and the facts are cloudy and vague within our family history. What kind of legacy is that for my children. In this egalitarian relativistic age I suppose it is good for people not to have a sense of family but I feel that it is wrong. My grandmother passed a couple of weeks ago and my daughter got to see her a few years ago. I remember one time I called her fat. I still feel bad about it. I work so much right now that I barely saee my children and this makes me sad. I want to teach them what the Lord has done for me and our family. I want them to know that they are part of history in an individual way. I am going to encourage them to learn about their faith family and country as well as their future. It did not take the Isrealites many generations to forget what God had done for them and soon they did what was right in their own eyes. Now our own country has forgotten what it went through growing up. Focusing more on its failures than its successes our schools are failing our children. My next post will be about my plan to suppliment my childrens education in an Adamsian way. First they will know what God has done for us and them and that they should share this good news.

Grace and peace, Mark

Monday, April 11, 2005


After loading my sweet children into the van, wich unfortuneately needs 1700$ worth of work right now, I took a couple of moments to play peek - a - boo with the sliding door bringing smiles and giggles and such joy. Everyone was happy for a while. It is those little opportunities for simple joy that can so easily be lost in the rush to get where we need to go. It really isn't so hard to stop and smell the roses and definitely worth it when you do.

Grace and peace, Mark

Wednesday, April 06, 2005


My dad has often said work is a four letter work. I have gotten a biblical perspecitve lately and it has helped me to refocus and realize some mistakes and what led me to them.

the biblical work week is six days and there is no mention of PTO but the ground is cursed and there will be thorns an thistles.

This is the weedy season of my life.

Grace and Peace, Mark

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