Immutable Standard

The standard is love. love the Lord and love your neighbor. It is by our love that we will be known as his disciples. Love is patient love is kind.

Location: the great state of Texas, United States

Monday, January 10, 2005

By Faith and not by Sight

Now is one of those time in my life where a theme is developing and being reinforced by several avenues at once. I am wanting to work on leading my house in serving the Lord and my church service this Sunday was extremely relevant to my situation and the mens bible study is doing a series on biblical leadership.

I was like Abram in that I decided to get mey family in line biblicaly and when famine hit I went to Egypt(car sales) then repented. I am now in what I think is a promised land as do others and now must walk by faith that this is where I need to be(teaching martial arts). Though it will take much time and effort I am with my family in the mornings and most of the week ends. I dont have the nights to spend with them and I have some concerns about this but maybe it is not as bad as I think.

Grace and Peace, Mark


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