Immutable Standard

The standard is love. love the Lord and love your neighbor. It is by our love that we will be known as his disciples. Love is patient love is kind.

Location: the great state of Texas, United States

Monday, February 28, 2005

Up to date

As for leading my family in worship, I have managed to do it a mere 3 times. Not much of a leader. I am overwhelmed by Gods grace though. Things that I have worried about have turned out not to be so bad. Bible reading has not been daily but it has been at least weekly. I have also started reading "john adams" by david mccullough. Our leaders have been coasting on the greatness of those that started this nation.

Saw Broose play the other night. I think he is better suited to playing solo and accoustic. His voice is much stronger not haveing to compete with a band.

Grace and Peace, Mark

Thursday, February 17, 2005

I suck

Big time

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